Below WDN member Ledia Hanifa Amaliah talks about her experience running for the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia.
My name is Ledia Hanifa Amaliah. I am a Member of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia since 2009 and this year I will run for office again for our April 2014 general election. I learned from my experiences as a social worker that if we want to make better and more empathetic public policy, we [women] have to be members of parliament.
When the leader of the Prosperous and Justice Party asked me to run for office, I didn't spontaneously agree to do it. I needed more time to think about how it would affect my family and funding, etc. I had to push my confidence too because the party put me in the constituency 120 km away from the city where I lived. After fruitful discussion with my family, close friends and the party leader, I decided to run for the election.
It is not easy. But so many interesting thing happened. And so many people pray for us to win the election. People think that women have more empathy and understand more how difficult life is. And they believe women have more energy to advocate and solve their problems. I do believe this too.
So, for you who run for the first time, believe me that there is no easy way. It is not only about fulfilling the number of women in the parliament. You have to fight; not only because this is the time to prove that you are the one who has that quality, but also to make the people realize you are the good quality candidate they need.
Wish the best for you all Regards, Ledia Hanifa Amaliah
Source : http://www.democracyspeaks.org/2014/02/womeninoffice-featuring-wdn-member.html
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